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Economic Development Task Force
Current Agenda
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Archived Agendas
Archived Minutes
Duties and Responsibilities of the Economic Development Task Force
The Task Force was first established by City Ordinance in 2011, with a mission of identifying strategies and techniques to achieve the City’s economic development objectives
The Task Force is comprised of up to nine members, all who are recommended by the Mayor and approved by the Board of Aldermen. Membership consists of:
The Mayor of the City of Willard
Two members of the Board of Aldermen
The President of the Willard Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors
Two at-large members of the Willard Chamber of Commerce
Three at-large residents of the City of Willard
Meetings of the Task Force are held Quarterly, typically on Mondays at 6:00 p.m.
Using the City’s Comprehensive Plan as a guiding document, the Task Force identifies elements of the land development regulations in such a way as to encourage potential new development
The Task Force can offer assistance in developing an overall strategy to create jobs and new investment opportunities in the City
New funding options are regularly identified and pursued in the event a project in the City meets eligibility requirements
The Task Force is asked to submit a Final Report to the Board of Aldermen each year for its review and consideration of approval, as well as the potential termination of the Task Force (which is subject to Board approval)
Current members
Troy Smith
Darrell Proctor
Chamber of Commerce Rep
Jason Knight
Burnis Coleman
Scott Stewart