SEWER: at this time there are
62,627 feet (11.86 miles) of force mains
17 air valves
8 lift stations
229,522 feet (43.47 miles) of sewer line of which 166,895 feet (31.61 miles) are gravity
400+ manholes
A two (2) cell lagoon system
12 acres of sewer irrigation
WATER: at this time there are
4 wells
382,600 feet (72.46 miles) of water lines
3 water towers totaling 850,000 gallons of storage
3,200 water meters
GROUNDS MAINTAINED: include the following
18.5 acres at Jackson Street Park
48.9 acres at the lagoon system
5+ acres comprising the lift stations
8.17 acres comprising the wells
18 acres at the Recreation Center ball fields
26 acres comprising the soccer fields
1 acre at the Police Station
Additional acreage and land parcels include the property abutting City Hall, the Frisco Highline Trail, two (2) Public Works garages, right-of-ways (ROW’s) on Farm Roads 103, 106 and one-half (1/2) of 101, the recycling center grounds, three (3) sight triangles located at Hunt Road and 94/on Miller Road near Casey’s/Farmer Road near the fire station and approximately 0.6 acres surrounding the water towers.
SIDEWALKS: 31,463.5 feet (5.96 miles) of sidewalks north of Highway 160
STREETS: includes crack sealing, patching, striping and maintain all traffic signage.
BUILDINGS/STRUCTURES: maintenance is provided to the following
City Hall
Community Building
Public Works garage
Well houses
Police station
Recreation Center
Generators located at both wells and lift stations
All vehicles/equipment owned by Public Works, City Hall and Parks and Recreation
EQUIPMENT: owned and operated
The Public Works Department is located at 108 W. Jackson Street and can be reached by email at Public Works or by calling 417-742-5307.