If your water has been shut off due to nonpayment and you pay your bill after 4:00, you will not get your water turned back on until the next business day.
Utilities Department
Billing Cycle
25th of the month: Bills are mailed.
10th of the month: Bills are due. A 10% penalty is added onto bills paid after the 10th.
13th of the month: Cutoff notices mailed with a specified disconnection date.
Monthly disconnection: Service disconnected for non-payment of past due bill - additional non-payment penalty of $50 will be charged.
The last day to pay your past due bill is the last Tuesday of each month before 5:00pm. If you are past this deadline you will need to pay your past due balance plus $50.
Credit & Debit Card Payment Fees
February of 2025: The processing company that handles The City of Willard's credit and debit card transactions has raised the fees it charge from 3% to 6.6%. As a result, the Board of Aldermen has adjusted the City's credit and debit card processing fees accordingly.
This affects online, phone, and in-person card payments. To avoid paying these additional fees you may pay:
In person by Cash, check or money order
or by Automatic Bank Draft.
If you have any questions or need help setting up an alternative payment method, please contact City Hall.
Attention Phone Scam
If you receive a phone call from the City of Willard, and are unsure of the individual calling, please do not give them any information over the phone.
If you have received a phone call that you feel may be malicious, please call us at (417) 742-3033 and we will verify if this is correct.
If you have questions regarding your bill or account, you may contact the utility department at (417) 742-3033, or email Utilities
Public Works after hours emergency line:
Please note this number is for emergencies only. You will have to call during regular business hours to set up service.
High Water Bill?
12 Common Reasons For A High Water Bill
Credit: Express Sewer & Drain Team
Dec 13 2021
12 Reasons for a High Water Bill